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Lunch Information

Students have the opportunity to get school lunch or bring their lunch.

All students qualify for free breakfast or lunch as part of the NSLP Community Eligibility Program.  

November 2023
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Bagel with cream cheese, Fruit, Juice, Milk,
Chicken Spinach Wrap, Apples, Sun Chips and Milk
Banana Bread, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Chicken Nuggets, Sweet Potato Fries, Animal Crackers, Fruit, Milk
Waffles, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Sloppy Joes, Broccoli, Fruit, Milk
Cereal, Fruit Cup, Yogurt, Juice, Milk
Hot Dog, Fruit, French Fries, Milk
Blueberry Muffin, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Chicken Quesadilla, Black Beans, Carrots, Fruit, Milk
Pop Tart, Fruit, Juice and Milk
Mac & Cheese, green Beans, Fruit, Milk
French Toast bites, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Chicken Nuggets, Sweet Potato Fries, Animal Crackers, Fruit, Milk
Banana Bread, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Chicken Teriyaki, Brown Rice, Steam Broccoli, Pineapple, Milk
Pop Tart, Fruit, Juice and Milk
Corn Dogs, Fries, Fruit, and Milk
Cereal, Fruit Cup, Yogurt, Juice, Milk
Taco, Rice & Beans, Fruit, Milk
Waffles, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Chicken Nuggets, Sweet Potato Fries, Animal Crackers, Fruit, Milk
Banana Bread, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Pasta with meatballs in red sauce, Broccoli, Fruit and Milk
Blueberry Muffin, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Chicken and Cheese sliders, carrots, fruit and Milk
Thanksgiving Break/No School
Thanksgiving Break/No School
Thanksgiving Break/No School
Thanksgiving Break/No School
Thanksgiving Break/No School
Cereal, Fruit Cup, Yogurt, Juice, Milk
Hot Dog, Fruit, French Fries, Milk
Pop Tart, Fruit, Juice and Milk
Taco, Fruit, Rice & Beans, Milk
Bagel with cream cheese, Fruit, Juice, Milk,
Meat Ball Sub, Carrots, Fruit Milk
Banana Bread, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Chicken Nuggets, Sweet Potato Fries, Animal Crackers, Fruit, Milk

Wellness Policy

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